Saturday, February 9, 2013

A most excellent guest post.....from my Mom


                                                Long long ago
                                                When heaven was newly made
                                                God had a plan
                                                I will gather the stars 
                                                I will make Orion
                                                He will have a penis
                                                Orion will create the earth.

                                                His penis spouted oceans
                                                And his seed made a flower garden
                                                And Adam and Eve.              
                                                And the begetting began
                                                And God was pleased
                                                One night in winter   
                                                Priest was contemplating the heavens
                                                “Behold!”  Abomination!” spoke priest.
                                                Handmaidens were ordered to sew underpants
                                                Orion was high in his heaven.  Too high
                                                So Michaelangelo’s David had to wear the underpants
                                                Priest said “Behold, Orion has no penis.”
                                                “We gave him a knife.”
                                                “No more abomination”.
                                                (In later years this is known as the Renaissance)
                                                and God was not pleased.

                                                For many years no rain fell.
                                                Oceans dried, fish died.
                                                No seeds fell to the parched earth.
                                                (in 1931 they called it the Dust Bowl)

                                                Seek ye Orion and the seven stars
                                                On a fine February night
                                                He has no knife.
                                                He will plant your garden
                                                God will be pleased.

Doreen Lindstedt testifies!


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Holy Trinity of abominations

In order for  life to proceed on this earth, 3 basic things are vitally needed:

1. Shit
2.  Fucking
3.  Death

Nice people dont talk about any of the three.
Most people avoid any thoughts of the three...(except fucking. Everyone THINKS about fucking. They just dont talk about it.)

I think we should erect chapels, and shrines to the Real holy trinity.

Dead things become resurrected into live things through the admixture of byproducts of metabolism (shit)    , by means of biological reproduction (fucking). There s your eternal life. World without end , Amen, made possible by the holy trinity of shit, fucking, and death.

I'm planning for this year's garden.
Last years dead annuals have laid in my soil, being consumed, and shit out  by  microorganisms , who fuck without ceasing. The plants having fucked, have produced seeds as their last mortal act.
I'm going to plant these, and cover them generously with shit...fermented, composted shit, in which occurs dizzying incidences of  shitting, fucking and death.

Heres a link to a blog post about how I plant to use the media of the trinity to make a garden: