During the darkest day of the year, the Aztecs used to remove a beating heart from a strong and vigorous person, and ,commend this sacrifice to entice the sun to reverse its course and begin to shine upon the world again.
Our sun is not so demanding. Our sun only requires that time flows. There is no time without change. And there is no change without ...CHANGE.
We grow older. (We lose our youth.)
Relationships wax and wane..
Dear ones depart this world.
We lose our parents.
We lose our dogs.
Our babies grow up.
Sacrifices are extracted from us.
Chunks of our beating hearts, ceded to time,
So that the sun will slowly return.
And it will, because time has extracted its due.
Tomorrow, the sun is newborn.
When you are in the dark, Light becomes astonishing.
The seeds of Spring and Summer are in the soil. There will be flowers!
New babies.
New puppies.
Bring it!